Our overall goal for this quarter was to have the detail view completely implemented and fully functional. We are very close to completing the detail view, but there are still a few things to do. We split up working on this milestone in this manner: Eric and Michael would work on developing the detail view, then show a live demo to Jonathan and Micheal, who would then come up with a list of adjustments/improvements for us to make. This way, Michael and Eric could work in an agile environment where neither person was being hung up waiting to hear back from the design team because we could continue working and add any changes to the do to list as they come in. This milestone has been ongoing for many weeks at this point.
The first thing that you'll notice since the last time you looked at the detail view is that we have adopted the design from our wireframes. The sidebar now reflects the current overall status of that refrigerator. The add button to add a new refrigerator is now functional and appears in the top right just like the design. We also added a navigation tool at the top so that you can go back to the folder view easily. For the UI, we still need to update the system information to reflect the information in the wireframes, and update the graphs and sidebar to reflect the corresponding information as well. We also need to fix the sidebar because when the page enables scrolling to occur it no longer looks like a sidebar (doesn't go to bottom of page yet). As far as implementation goes, all of the features that are present are functional (the graphs work, add button adds a refrigerator, etc.).
Our next step after the detail view is completed is to continue implementing the overview page (aka folder view) so that it matches our wireframe designs, and implement the landing page for when a folder is clicked on but a refrigerator hasn't been selected. I have provided a screenshot of the current state of the detail view page below, and the wireframe of the detail view for comparison purposes.