Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6 - Front-end Usability Testing

Team Involved: Micheal Seng and Jonathan Wai

Today we did our second round of usability testing during our presentation for class today. We updated our wireframe based off of the feedback we received last time. Below are the updated designs that we came up with!
We simplified our dashboard by having just the three icons, in a case, where a company has a large number of refrigerators. Here, we have display two concepts: only show number of refrigerator under each status, and the other one is fraction over total number of refrigerator.

We change the flow of adding folder or refrigerator
User able to add refrigerator while creating folder
Adding new refrigerator
Detail View
We change the concept, where there are only 2 views instead of 3. Here, as you can see, user still able to quickly run through the entire refrigerators on the folder by going through the list on the left. All the refrigerators that throw some errors will go on top of the list.

When user clicked on folder, this is the landing page where user able to see summary and have click on link to the right fridge.
Looking at the detail on a specific refrigerator

Overall, the feedback we received was more positive than last time. People seemed to like the changes we made. The following describes the noteworthy feedback we did receive:

Top level view
First, we asked the class whether they preferred the total to be shown once or under each refrigerator status (as seen in the first screenshot). The class voted and 8 preferred the total being shown once, while 7 preferred the total to be underneath each overall status. There doesn't seem to be a clear favorite.

We also received this feedback:

  1. A pie chart might be a better way to visualize how many refrigerators have a green, yellow, or red status.
  2. Does the notification system notify you about activity changing on the top level and/or detail view?
  3. What about colorblindness? The user would have no way of differentiating.
  4. Screen size could be an issue
  5. Are icons necessary? Maybe different icons for each status type.
Add folder window
  1. Add button isn't easy to locate.
  2. User should be able to add a refrigerator by clicking on the add button or by adding it directly to a specific folder
  3. Folder isn't a descriptive term. Change to add group or add location.
Detail view
  1. Some people thought the icons in the right column (summarizing the detail view) could be clickable when they're not
  2. Left & right columns could be better integrated (a lot of space between)
Our next steps for the design team is to work on addressing the feedback we received, brainstorm solutions, and update the wireframes accordingly.

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